Share Your ‘Middle of the Night’ Story

I’m on a mission to uncover the strengths we develop Through the Everyday Experiences of parenthood.

I am looking to collect stories from parents and experts about their experiences with the typical ups and downs of childhood sleep — especially those middle of the night stories, good and bad!

My goal is to….

  • Share the real stories of parenthood

  • Normalize the obstacles

  • Reframe the challenges

  • Showcase the strengths of parenthood.

These interviews are meant to be short and candid. I will integrate them into a short inspirational video for parents shared via email and on social media. Ready to make a difference? Sign up to contribute your story today.

Hi I’m Stef. And this is my blog Here we talk about how to find the good in the everyday using what I call the Parenting with Gratitude™ method.

While acknowledging that there is real stress out there, parenting is not ALL bad, some parts are actually pretty amazing. It’s just hard to notice them when everything inside of us and outside of us is screaming that things suck.

Gratitude helps us to shift our focus from WTF to GoodAF. More here if you’d like.