Go from WTF to GoodAF with the Parenting with Gratitude™ method.

What if gratitude was the reset button you’ve been looking for?

A Fresh start to Parenting

Sign up for the 10-week Parenting with Gratitude™ series


take on the challenges of modern motherhood

Gratitude works.

Gratitude can conquer self-doubt, mom guilt, anger, and loneliness.

(And there are 72 million studies that prove it.)

Except no one has connected motherhood and gratitude…YEt

Hi, I’m Stef: An imperfect parent, Author, & Gratitude Nerd. I share gratitude practices that fit your lifestyle and the stage of motherhood you’re in.


No more external pressure “to be grateful.

What’s your unique daily practice?

Look within, tap into your motivations, and unleash your drive for more.

Enter the Parenting with Gratitude™ Equation

A powerful tool that transforms your perspective and focuses on what a goodAF mom you already are.

Get started with the free “How to” email series.

Not sure if gratitude is right for you?

Take the Activity Fit Quiz developed by preeminent positive psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky to see if gratitude and savoring life’s gifts is the happiness practice that best fits you. If it’s a good fit, try my ‘How To” gratitude series featuring the practices I created especially for moms.


Hi, I’m Stef!

I’m here to remind you that you are a GoodAF mom.

I am the creator of the Parenting with Gratitude method.

I am also a professional nanny of 20+ years, a parenting expert, and the author of the award-winning bedtime book The Middle of the Night Book.

Gratitude helps me notice more of the present moment. It has trained my brain away from negativity and towards a more mindful life.

Mindfulness starts with simply noticing.

You can do that!
