New! Donate a book to a family in need.

Each day parents all over the country wake up tired. They go to work and hope that their baby or toddler will sleep just one night all the way through - and sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t.

I wrote The Middle of the Night Book so that parents had a tool to turn to when they were too tired to think, I based the book on the proven soothing meditation called a bodyscan — and it works.

“That first night I tried it in the middle of the night, she went back to bed afterwards and it seemed to work like a charm. Now we read it before bed & if she wakes up before morning. I’ve also had my husband download it on his phone should he need it when I'm away. She's waking up crying in the middle of the night less often, and if she does wake up we just read the book and out she goes.” - Ashley

Everyone deserves a good night sleep. We all are in this together. And so, with every book purchase you have the option to purchase a book for a family in need - at a discounted rate!

All books are donated to programs that offer parenting support groups and parenting education. Some of the local organizations I donate to on a regular basis are:

However, I don’t just want to support a small slice of CA - I want to support organizations in your community! So please add your organization of choice to the comments below and we will send donations their way. Thank you!


Your Parenting Intention Glow Up


More Positivity, More Often.