Parenting Imperfectly IRL : Week 37, 2021

Here’s what the past week (week 37, 2021) was like for me on my quest to parent differently.

My intentions are:

To accept imperfection as the goal and not the obstacle.

To find gratitude in every moment.

And to shift my mindset from one of stress as burden to one of finding deeper meaning in the journey.

A kid-free reset was needed so I headed to Calistoga with my best friend for a dip in the mineral pools and the perfect recharge filled with connection and laughter.


I took some time this week to reflect on the mindfulness tools I offer to you. I have decided to add a new one to the mix - and I even got one pre-order! Thank you for supporting my small business with a mission.


I have officially been a parent for 13 years! Easy and hard all at the same time. I injured my hip on my way back from Calistoga which resulting it parenting in pain - and a few very hard and not my best evenings.


I ended up here: My kids are my everything, but I am my everything too. Parenthood is not the only thing that defines me. I do.

And the cats, as per usual, were still living their best life despite us all being in their space. Have a great week!


parentingStef TousignantIRL