Got the School Year Scaries?
It’s Time to Introduce a Mindful Day Sheet
Each routine sheet is fully customized to the child using it. Custom purchases include the Household Quiz which guarantees a perfect fit for individual needs and schedules.
Fully Customizable
Each sheet is designed by a child development expert and professional nanny, helping to eliminate overwhelm and frustration. Use the free Parent Guide to introduce their new routine quickly and easily.
Age Appropriate
Our sheets prioritize skills that support whole brain development: social emotional skills + mindfulness + executive function skills + basic life skills.
WHole Brain Skills
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Baby Steps
These pictograph sheets are the perfect way to introduce a mindful, daily routine. Each option comes with a suggested set of steps and an empty sheet for your own DIY customization.
Completly custom
Your household. Your values. Take the household quiz and we take care of the rest.
Simplify your school days all while teaching skills that support both sides of the brain!
Perfect for kids in preschool - 8th grade.
This customized order will include your child’s name and options for:
Options for a Schedule or Checklist Layout
Morning & Afternoon Steps
Mindful Moments
Daily Chore Zone
After School Activity Reminder Zone
Select Lamination and Shipping and check one more thing off your Back-to-School to-do list!
Family BUNDLe
Same deal. More kids. Completely Customized to the many, varying schedules of your family.
Select “Lamination and Shipping” and check one more thing off your Back-to-School to-do list!

Stop being a ‘nag’ - use a checklist instead
Introduce a checklist for repeatable tasks and habits and remove your role as the “nag” or bad guy, giving that job title to the list!
Of course the younger the child is the more involved you will need to be at first — but eventually learning to use the list on their own becomes a skill in itself.
ALL MINDFUL DAY SHEETS COME WITH A TWO page PARENT guide to help you introduce the checklist to your child.
I have been a professional nanny for over 20 years and although every household is different, I am 100% certain that all children love a strong and consistent routine.
PLUS, all parents (including myself) want their child to learn life skills like picking up their socks and brushing their teeth.
And in a world where things change on a dime, we want our children to be resilient and to learn from their mistakes.
we want them to learn mindfulness which, if taught at an early age, can make a world of difference for you as a parent, starting with homework battles and Kindergarten tantrums.

Check out the Parent differently blog:
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