Faith to Parent Differently

Parenting differently takes faith. Faith that your actions each day are enough, that your intention is enough, that your love for your children is enough.

Parenting differently is not easy, but I choose it anyway. I choose it even though trauma may be baked into 3 generations of DNA, the cycle stops with me. And I will do my best to make the most difference I can in ONE generation.

But the effects of positive generational change are very hard to see. That’s where the faith comes in.

When you have the faith to parent differently you don’t need proof that you are making a difference because your actions each day are enough. And so your intention to parent differently becomes your motivation and inspiration. And the ways you find to meet your needs become your fuel and you discover with each passing year that it’s enough and that you are enough too. Watch the video for more. - Stef


The Struggle is Real


The Modern Baby Book