Parenting Imperfectly IRL : Week 40, 2021

Here’s what the past week (week 40, 2021) was like for me on my quest to parent differently.

My intentions were:

Don’t get bogged down by Mercury in Retrograde.

Even if you feel like you aren’t making mental health progress today today - you are.

Trust the experts when it comes to telling your story.

Parenting last week was a bit of a whirlwind. I had my son home on Monday and was starting to have quarantine flashbacks of him never leaving again 😂but he felt better on Tuesday so back to school he went. Do you stay on track when your kids are home from school? Most of my self-care went right out the window!

I am walking 2.5 miles a day and I love it. I go right after school drop off and I am committed to five days a week — I find it to be a lot of fun to be honest. In the past, I would have counted the minutes I was not working in order to exercise (and shower after) but these days it is a concrete part of my routine, so much so that my planning for the day only begins once I have walked and showered.


I made time for coffee with my bestie this week in SF and peeked in on my book which graces the shelves of the cutest toy store in Noe Valley - Mamapundi Kids. If you are local grab your copy there and help to support another woman owned business.


I have been swept away by a wave of inspiration and am almost finished a drawing/painting of pincushion flowers - that although are native to South Africa grow along the coast of Central California and I just love their graphic nature.


We headed to Southern California for a family vacation with the grandparents - our last trip of 2021. Time to slow down a bit as the weather grows colder and evenings darker and put my writer’s cap back on. I will keep you updated on the progress of my book “Parenting with Gratitude” as I make the big push to get it finished this year - wish me luck!


My orange tabby is so good at reminding me that we all carry the ability to be still in a way that is both majestic and soul filling. I want that moment for all of us - don’t you?
